Home Flowers & Greens Roses - In Stock Rose Blueberry 40cm

Shop this unique and stunningly beautiful mauve colored rose. Rose blueberry is a perfect purple to add to your DIY arrangement or bouquet.

Rose Blueberry 40cm

This item is sold by the stem in multiples of 25.

Stems/Bunch: 25

25 to 75 stems

$2.51 per stem

100 or more stems

$2.36 per stem



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  • * Actual product may vary from image.

Rose Blueberry is a deep, richly colored purple rose with ever so slightly darker guard petals. This rose has hints of pink and pairs perfectly with a hot pink flower. Purple roses are desired all year round and used in combination with many different shades and varieties of flowers. Pair it with sunflowers, lisianthus, spray roses or gerbera daisies.

Stems/Bunch: 25
Flowers/Stem: 1
Size: 16" stems with 1.5"-2" flowers
Availability: January-December
Vase Life: 5-7 days
Price Class: $ $ $ $

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