Home Flowers & Greens Greenery Monstera Greens

Order wholesale monstera for DIY flower arrangements for weddings, special events and parties from Blooms by the Box.
Monstera Greens

Monstera Greens

This item is sold by the bunch.

Stems/Bunch: 5

1 to 4 bunches

$39.27 per bunch

5 to 19 bunches

$38.08 per bunch

20 or more bunches

$36.89 per bunch



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  • * Actual product may vary from image.

Common Names: Windowleaf, Mexican Breadfruit, Swiss Cheese Plant, Ceriman

Despite its rather scary name, monstera is actually a delightfully welcoming greenery that makes the perfect complement to your larger arrangements. These lovely greens feature a short, thick stem with a large, leathery heart-shaped leave featuring deep splices and oblong holes. Because its relatively large, monstera is a good choice for large arrangements, including oversized centerpieces. The silky-smooth feel and large shape makes a warm choice for any tropical arrangement as well. You can also pair them with lush flowers and non-tropical greens for a modern yet rustic feel for your DIY wedding or special event flower arrangements.

Stems/Bunch: 5
Flowers/Stem: 1
Size: 12"-14" stems
Availability: January-December
Vase Life: 10-12 days
Price Class: $ $ $ $
Suggestions: Use these with larger arrangements because they are tall and very bright and shiny. They also look great inside clear vases to add color and contrast!
  Read more tips about flower care and preparation here!

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